If you told me ten years ago that I would be married, driving an electric car and getting injectables I would not believe you.

Hitting the big 30 was an exciting and welcome milestone but it did mean faint lines began forming on my forehead, between my eyebrows and around my eyes.

While I have no desire to look 20 again, I want to age well and look good for my age. So I caved in and enquired about cosmetic injections at my recent microdermabrasion appointment at SILK. Unsure if I would follow through but feeling confident, I made an appointment for anti-wrinkle injections.

The Appointment

Appointment day came quickly and despite my apprehension, the process was so simple! Nurse Elizabeth chatted through all my questions and nothing was too simple or too complicated to ask. She is an experienced nurse and really knew what she was talking about making me feel very comfortable.

Elizabeth helped manage my expectations and guided me through what injectables I needed to achieve my desired results.

For instance, I desired an eyebrow lift but only wanted injections in my forehead as I was a little nervous about having injections in other places. Elizabeth helped explain that to achieve a brow lift, I would need to treat my crow’s feet not just my forehead.

I felt so much more informed and comfortable after the consultation. Elizabeth gave me the option to think about what we had discussed and come back at another time or try it now. After my consult, I felt empowered and decided to go for it.

The next step was video-calling a prescribing Doctor, who also spoke to me and checked in to see if I had any questions and confirmed my suitability.

Soon after I was posing for my before photos and getting ready for the first injection. I would not call myself afraid of needles, but they aren’t something I like to look at either, so you could guess I was a little nervous.

With some advice to wiggle my toes, each injection felt like a mosquito bite – over before I had time to react. About 12 tiny jabs later and I was sent on my merry way. I even went back to the office without anyone noticing that I had had anything done that’s how non-invasive the treatment is!

Surprised and delighted

I must admit that although I wanted these injections for a while, I had no idea about the process or what was even in them. The three factors I learned about treatment were:

  1. The product comes from naturally occurring bacteria. It is manufactured in a lab and prescribed for some medical conditions like twitching nerves and excessive sweating as when administered it carefully inhibits muscle movement.
  2.  How quick it was; I assumed I would need a day off work to have them / recover, but the fact I could go on my lunch break and go back to the office as nothing had happened was so convenient and made it feel less like a big deal.
  3. The process takes about ten days to see the full result. This made me feel like it is a more natural process than an instant result. I like the idea that it slowly develops, and it certainly makes it less obvious to my friends and family. I also like that it is my secret. That said I’ll probably tell a few girlfriends!

My top-tip

See someone qualified and experienced. When it comes to your face, body and health – you should be careful.

SILK nurses are highly trained and fully qualified to perform this treatment, meaning you get the best care, product and service.

I would suggest doing your research. Before choosing Nurse Elizabeth, I asked about her experience and checked out her Instagram and the SILK rating and reviews on Google.

Would I do it again?


I am enjoying my results and the easy process. I will definitely consider another treatment when the results wear off in about four months.

Book in for your injectable consult today.