In a world where trends come and go over night, it can be challenging to find products that can actually deliver results. Let’s strip back all the noise and get back to basics. At SILK Laser Clinics we stock two brands that we love and know you will too. Aesthetics Rx and SILK, two Australian brands that are the foundation for healthy skin both in clinic and at home.

Let us help you keep it simple with our 5-step skincare regime to transform your skin.

1. Cleanse:

At SILK, we often recommend double cleansing. The first cleanse is great at removing pollution, excess oil, dirt, and grime. Aesthetics Rx Anti-Pollution Cleansing Oil is the perfect first cleanse as it melts aways makeup, releases impurities and supports the skin’s microbiome.  The second cleanse is beneficial in treating and rebalancing the skin.

For a combination skin we recommend: Aesthetics Rx Refining Mousse Cleanser
For a dehydrated or sensitive skin, we love: Aesthetics Rx AHA Cream Cleanser
For a normal skin type try: Aesthetics RxRevitalising Foaming Cleanser

Browse our complete collection of cleansers for SILK, and for Aesthetics Rx.

2. Serum:

When it comes to serums, the options can feel overwhelming. With so many choices available, it is important to understand why using serums can be beneficial and how key ingredients like vitamins A, B, and C can play a crucial role in your skincare routine.

Vitamin A, also known as retinol, is the gold class ingredient for premature skin ageing, pigmentation, and skin prone to break outs. Serums containing Vitamin A can visibly improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, brighten the complexion, and reduce the look of break outs and skin blemishes. Vitamin A accelerates skin renewal revealing a healthy glow.

Vitamin B is the ultimate pick me up for the skin; it tackles the effects of dehydration, regulates oil flow, and protects the skin barrier.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that slows the rate of free-radical damage while brightening the skin and maintaining the appearance of a plump and glowing complexion.

In the pursuit of healthy, radiant skin, serums formulated with Vitamins A, B, and C stand out as essential components of an effective skincare regimen. Each of these vitamins bring unique benefits to the table, working synergistically to address a wide range of skin concerns. We stock Vitamin A, B and C options in both SILK and Aesthetics Rx.

3. Exfoliate:

Exfoliation is a crucial step in any effective skincare routine, offering numerous benefits for maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Both SILK and Aesthetics Rx exfoliators work by buffing away dead skin cells and other skin-clogging impurities to reveal a softer, brighter, and more luminous complexion. We love the Aesthetics Rx Fruit Enzyme Mask and SILK Glycolic + Lactic Scrub 10%.

4. Moisturise:

Moisturisers are a cornerstone of a well-rounded skincare routine, providing essential benefits that improve the appearance of your skin’s texture, hydration, and overall health.

5. SPF:

 One of the most overlooked yet incredibly beneficial products in skincare is SPF. Incorporating SPF into your daily routine is essential for preventing sun-induced pigmentation and signs of accelerated ageing.

If you are ready to start your simple but effective skincare journey, but not sure where to start, allow us to craft a personalised skincare routine just for you. We offer complimentary skin consultations so we can work out a plan tailored to suit your skin type and goals. Utilising our advanced Observ 520 camera technology, we can look deeper into your skin’s needs.

Schedule a complimentary consultationtoday and let us work towards simple, healthy skin!