At SILK Laser Clinics, we love helping people feel their best – Body confidence is at the heart of our philosophy.

Results-driven treatments are at the core of what we do, and body sculpting is no exception. We are proud to be Australia’s leading provider of the two best in class body sculpting technologies EMSCULPT® and CoolSculpting®.

Utilising world class advanced technology, we’re the experts in these fat freezing and muscle building technologies. Our body sculpting clients range from mothers looking to sculpt their bodies after having children to health and fitness driven clients who want a little help with that stubborn area. During a free consultation with our body experts, we’ll understand your needs and help you achieve your body goals – we’re here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Body treatments are a great way to fast track your results.

If you’ve been searching for a non-surgical solution to tackle stubborn pockets of fat, CoolSculpting® is here to revolutionize your body journey. Using the most advanced technology, this FDA-approved treatment targets and freezes fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by your body over time. The best part? It’s an entirely non-invasive, non-surgical treatment. CoolSculpting® is a safe and effective way to sculpt your body, providing noticeable and long-lasting results that will leave you feeling your best.

For those looking to not only eliminate fat but also sculpt and strengthen their muscles, EMSCULPT® is the ultimate game-changer. This cutting-edge treatment utilizes high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to induce powerful muscle contractions. These contractions go beyond what you can achieve through exercise alone, resulting in enhanced muscle definition and tone. Whether you want to sculpt your abs, lift and firm your buttocks, or strengthen your arms and thighs, EMSCULPT® can help you achieve your goals.

For long-lasting results, we recommend you pair your body treatment with a healthy and active lifestyle.

Talk to our Body Sculpting experts about how combining EMSCULPT® and CoolSculpting® can provide optimal results.

Discover the power of non-invasive fat reduction and muscle sculpting, tailored to your unique goals and needs. Book a CoolSculpting® or EMSCULPT® consultation with us today and let’s take the first step towards feeling confident in your own skin.