Skin Concerns

A skin concern for many people at different stages in life, acne prone skin is a result of excess sebum combining with dead skin cells and creating a blockage forming across the pores. The sebaceous glands sit just beneath the skin’s surface and naturally produce sebum which helps naturally moisturise and create a seal to the skin to protect against friction.
When acne occurs, people can experience mild inflammation which creates whiteheads or blackheads. With more severe acne inflammation, the skin can appear red, irritated and raised due to the skin follicles being blocked with bacteria that naturally lives on the skin’s surface.
One effective treatment option to prevent acne is laser therapy. Laser therapy works by targeting the sebaceous glands that produce oil, also known as sebum, which can contribute to the development of diffrent forms of acne. By reducing the amount of oil produced by these glands, laser therapy can help to decrease the number of blemishes that appear on the skin.
How to treat Acne

Skin Program – Acne or Acne Results
The Acne and Acne Results Program brings results to those who want to tackle blemished skin head-on. Acne is best suited for inflammation and pustule pimples, while Acne Results are ideal for those with long-term breakout periods, inflammation, pigmentation from acne scarring, and residual scarring. These effective programs will transform your skin using the very best SILK treatments.

LED Light Therapy
Targeting redness and erythema, Rejuvenate LED Red Light Therapy reduces pain, swelling and bruising while promoting collagen and elastin stimulation in the skin for an overall youthful and voluminous appearance!
Acne LED Blue Light Therapy kills bacteria on the epidermis by stimulating oxygen production which helps with overall visibility of acne, pustules and breakouts for fresh, silky skin.

A blend of enzymes, Alpha hydroxy (AHA), Beta hydroxy acid (BHA) solution such as glycolic, lactic, salicylic, or fruit acids, Kojic acid and Retinoic acid, preparing for deep exfoliation which triggers a natural inflammatory response.

By creating micro-damages on the skin’s surface without heat or light, the small controlled injuries cause a reaction in the skin to correct cells and rejuvenate overall appearance.